January, 29th 2008

Oooops…we’ll do it again!
Today we started to record our new songs for the next output. DIRK, as always, will be the first in line to drop his parts on the harddisk. We got four new songs ready for recording and one in mind. Titles will t.b.a. Despite the fact we have not found a new keyboarder yet, we’ll record our takes and make up our mind later about the key-baiter performing on the record later. So the next few weeks will be destined by drums! We’ll let you know how the work progresses and how we’re doing with it. Maybe some new photos will find the way to this website… we’ll see (therefore I especially have some people in my mind lying on the couch during their breaks reading porn magazines…harharhar!), …and NO! Not only the guys are the ones doing it! Stay tuned, folks!

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December, 23rd 2007

VANILLA REX wish all of you merry christmas and a happy new year 2008! We hope you all had a nice and successful year with lots of fun and we wish you the same for the next! Go for it! VANILLA REX hope you all will support the band even the next years as you did last year and 2005. Again not all stakes were high for us but we’ll survive! Anything doesn’t kill us will make us harder! The band now first will dig for a new keyboarder to hit the stage promoting the new songs and the forthcoming Maxi-CD. Meanwhile we will continue songwriting for our next album planned for 2008. We have to thank all the fans, journalists, fanzine-people and all other people supported us the last years like they did bigtime! You’re great! Without your support a band is worth nothing! You make it worth to write and play music! Thank you! …and if you think christmas is for wussies this year – maybe you’ll meet this nice guy…

November, 6th 2007

Very bad news again! Because of his time consuming job and therefore a lack of time for the band and his instrument our longterm keyboarder and friend CARSTEN informed us he’ll have to leave the band, yesterday. He’ll do the rough recordings for our last new song FREE MY SOUL as a last official act for the band. At a time all things seemed to get forward in planning some gigs for the beginning of next year and also a new production we again got an asskick and again we’ll have to start at point zero.
We now need a new keyboarder as fast as possible to keep things going! Any candidacies for the job including demo-mp3 & info to our email (use contact button!), please!

October, 5th 2007

Because of a computer crash there’re some entries of our start page lost. Who cares…I’ll just write some new ones!
Don’t forget the new review of PARALLEL WORLDS published by NOCTURNAL HALL that’s already available in our recviews section on the “links”-page! Again thanks a lot to the reviewer REVEREND and also the publisher of the mag DAJANA!
As CARSTEN is still around Vancouver/Canada for the next week we’ll give him a surprise with a new song (which name I forgot despite DANY told me at last rehearsal…shame on me!) we’re currently writing. As soon as it’s finished we’ll start to record the first 4 songs for the new album. Have fun and a nice weekend!

June, 27th 2007

Last Sunday DANY had her XXX Birthday! All the best and stay as you are! We hope you had a nice birthday whether the big party didn’t happen! We are happy to congratulate in person on Thursday and we hope for the obligate crate of beer for the band!

April, 24th 2007

Check out our forums for actual news of our current rehearsals!

March, 20th 2007

CARSTEN celebrated his birthday last Saturday. Now the 5th decade begins! Happy birthday, bud!
We have some photos of the party on our “pictures”-page. Unfortunately DANY and DANIEL were not able to join.

March, 9th 2007

The first pic of DANY is now available on her profile (don’t slobber, guys!). In view of her skill the first recordings featuring her voice will be available soon! Stay tuned!

February, 24th 2007

Another goofy story to tell…
As usual we were haunted by our luck in finding and losing new singers as MIRIAM finally made up her mind and finally found out that she’s got apparently not enough time to do her job @ VANILLA REX because of her study and her cover band.
We all wish her good luck with her efforts in future! Better think first – then decide next time! 😉
So we had to find a new singer again. Feels like kind of an odyssey sometimes…but we were able to seamless fill the singer’s position with a young lady DANIEL knows from one of his various Bands he played/plays. DANY (<–with “Y”, that’s important!) sang in several rock cover projects before and is a pretty cool and nice person to work with (she’ll kill me for “nice” I think! hehehe!). Looking at our Forums you’ll find a little diary I’m noting down short reports about our current rehearsals. Feel free to post your questions or remarks in this thread! DANY’s Profile is already published, some photos and recordings of her performing will follow within the next few weeks.

February, 14th 2007

Great news to tell! The Israeli Metal online magazine METALIST published the review of PARALLEL WORLDS on 2nd this month. In view of the points we gained the review is not that bad, but…the major fault is: Neither anybody here is able to read Hebrew, nor there’s any sign of a free translator to translate it! So we don’t have a shit of a clue what these guys are writing! I will convert to Jewish Religion now to find somebody who’s able to translate. After that I will quickly move back to atheism again! Just kidding…we desperately need anybody who translates the review…or I really will have to go to the synagogue here in town to get it translated…a new experience! Anybody who sends me the translation of the review will earn a VANILLA REX T-shirt and a copy of PARALLEL WORLDS for free…so try your best people! Thanks a lot to our Israeli friends! Stay tuned for the next one to come! We will sing in Swahili then to get a real hard job to do for you guys! lol

January, 18th 2007

We have some news to spread: We had a hard year in searching an auditing for a new person having the ability and professionality to fit in the band and taking the lead singer’s place. We think we now finally were successful in finding a young person called MIRIAM VOIGT. Thanks a lot to all folks contacted us, audited and/or took part of the band short time! Special thanks to VERA BREISIG for helping us out and for your understanding and friendship!
We now will continue our work with rehearsing, preparing for gigs and writing new songs. We will have some new recordings with MIRIAM VOIGT performing on vocals within the next weeks. Also some new photos of and with MIRIAM will be available. Let’s open a new chapter of VANILLA REX!

January, 2nd 2007

We added a new link to a nice metal online fanzine to our “links” page. Check out tons of information and photos of your favourite bands

December, 26th 2006

As this motherf..fine old guy of Santa will not appear this year we finally have a little Christmas present for you:
We lowered the prices for all our CDs, MCs and merch this week! So if our music was too expensive (haha!) so far and not affordable for you: It’s your turn now to buy! Also we have added some FULL SONGS for download on our “discography” page! Have fun! CHEERS!

December, 17th 2006

As the worldwide news stated yesterday CHRISTMAS will be cancelled this year because of a tragical accident.
So don’t waste your time in waiting for any presents showing up!
The brutal truth: You will finally get none!

December, 2nd 2006

DANIEL is now back in business having to use sound absorbers from now on but finally we’re rehearsing again. As soon as we have our recording equipment ready to go we hopefully can publish some new recordings very soon. We will have a few auditions left until we will have a break for christmas days and family issues. After this we will go forward working towards our next production.
Stay tuned for news to come and big thanks to all the folks for listening to our music and giving feedback to us the past year again! Also a big THANK YOU to all friends, families, business partners and print/online magazines for all help, promotion, understanding and fellowship! You’re great in making it worthy to compose,record and play our music for you folks and not least for ourselves!

November, 7th 2006

Bad news first: As DANIEL was affected by an acute hearing loss about 2 weeks ago we had to spend our time in adjusting the new studio equipment without rehearsing or writing any new stuff. As DANIEL’s doctor stated he will be able to play again for the next 2 or 3 weeks. Because of danger losing his complete audition DANIEL has to quit playing music until he’s completely cured. Sometimes it seems we’re chained to disaster!
In the meantime I started to work on some pages about my guitars. If you’re interested in my gear click the links on my profile page to learn a little bit about my favourite guitars. I will update these pages with more guitars and news about them from time to time.

October, 20th 2006

Some news for you: We shortly have updated our studio equipment to be ready for a new production. A better 48/24 channel mixing console and a new Integrated Software/Hardware Music System (connoisseurs will know) were bought. We will publish new recordings asap as well as up to date photos.

October, 3rd 2006

We had less news in the past weeks, we know. Hey, we all have private li(f)es and jobs, incidently!
VERA i.e. has a car breaking down every single month, hahahaha! I hear you say “wow! She’s got the same type of car I own!”
— Break for a moment of thought! —
Short said: Currently we are working on a live set, we wrote 2 new songs, we are working on 2 ideas, we’re training VERA in singing and fitting to the bunch of lunatics, we will come out soon with some recordings of older songs sung by VERA.
So stay tuned for more!

July, 25th 2006

As always right to the point we’re publishing the first recordings with VERA BREISIG. You can find them scrolling the “links” page whole down. We were a little bit “running low” the last few weeks, because of sitting between 2 chairs without a singer but it made reality. So we decided to have a break for the next 2 weeks for holidays. Everybody: Get your heads free of the VR-Stuff and please come back really refreshed! After the little break we will go further. Watch out!

July, 23rd 2006

Hi Folks! We know we are rare about news and updates for the site these days, but things are going on and we are working on it! Currently we are working with a feamale singer/songstress (nice word!) came up after an advertisement and showed up as a musician Klaus worked with in his sideproject BLACK COUNTESS in the 90s! She answered to the advertisement without any knowledge who the person was searching a singer. There was a welcoming bigtime meeting again after all these years and we all arranged to try to create some uprising stuff out of the old and newer material. We are working for several weeks together now and I can say things go very well! We’ll try to let have you part on the process making VANILLA REX again a conspiracy of maniacs with a girl included – or vice versa. Whatever… You will have the chance to check out by listening to the forthcoming demo tracks including the voice of VERA BREISIG. Keep hungry! Cheers!

June, 6th 2006

Another update shortly after the last! Today i was noticed about the German online fanzine UNDERGROUND EMPIRE published a review of PARALLEL WORLDS with their last update. We want to thank Stefan Glas of UNDERGROUND EMPIRE and especially the editor of the review, Walter Scheurer, very much for their awesome support! Cheers guys!

June, 4th 2006

The Online magazine from Poland Gondolin has published a review of PARALLEL WORLDS. Due to the fact nobody is speaking Polish in the periphery of VANILLA REX we will try to find somebody out there who is able to translate. For all of you folks speaking Polish the review is linked on the review-page of PARALLEL WORLDS. The German online magazine sounds2move published a review of the METAL RENDEZVOUS VOL. II compilation. This review is available in German language in the “interviews…” section of our page.

April, 26th 2006

The Danish online magazine powermetal.dk just has published a review of PARALLEL WORLDS. As ever, you can find it on our “links” page under the PARALLEL WORLDS cover. Some more news from the band: Meanwhile 2 new songs are completed. Prototype (working title) is a song ignited by DANIEL and is a minor opera with its nearly 9 minutes of recording time. The 2nd song is titled Rivers by now…and uuups, we did it again! 8 minutes of odd meters and melody. Maybe we are able to provide a “rough version” for download these days.

April, 2nd 2006

For all German speaking fans we have to refer to a small but excellent fanzine from Germany: ROCKTIMES. This fanzine is made from fans for fans and features all interesting styles of Rock music as there are Metal, Prog, Blues etc. A review of our album PARALLEL WORLDS” written by our friend Jogi Ruhenstroth is featured there as well. Jogi also prosecutes 2 interesting forums in German language.
Some news from the band: Because of the lack of singer candidates we decided to write new songs instead scheduling concerts. The candidates we audited either were not the ones we were looking for or decided to reject themselves. Maybe we will find a person who fits to the position during the year, who knows!? One is for sure: We are going ahead! We don’t stop this way! As soon as we finish the first songs we will start to produce the next album – with or without a singer! Maybe the problem is that we are too big for a noname and not big enough for a professional…but hey, who cares!?

February, 25th 2006

A new review of PARALLEL WORLDS of German Metal fanzine BLOODDAWN is available on our reviews section. Thank you very much, guys!

February, 22nd 2006

I have been informed via email today that Clarissa died last Thursday in Kapstadt/ South Africa. The family would like to thank all givers lots for what they done for them! As the medical attendance for Clarissa was very expensive and the family still needs some money we would like you to donate further on. It will not ease any pain of mourning but maybe they don’t have to be afraid being on the verge of ruin.
VANILLA REX offers their deepest sympathy to all the family of Clarissa! May she rest in peace.

February, 18th 2006

Transfer donations to following bank account:
Volksbank RheinAhrEifel eG
BLZ 577 615 91
KTO 9 937 460 005
Heading: Hilfe für Clarissa Sturm

January, 26th 2006

Good News for the winners of THE METAL OBSERVER CONTEST who are ANGRITT HAAKE, BERLIN (GERMANY) – URBAN STAAF, UPLANDS VASBY (SWEDEN) and last but not least SORIN STANCU, BRAILA (ROMANIA): Your copies of our latest album PARALLEL WORLDS are shipped today and right on the way to you! To all other participants: Thank you for taking part to the contest and don’t bother! Just order your copy via one of the known sellers or here on the page via email! There’s a copy left right for you! (good pun! g)

January, 25th 2006

The German Heavy Metal online fanzine METAL INSIDE has published a review of PARALLEL WORLDS these days. You can find the link under “Reviews of PARALLEL WORLDS” on our “links” page.

January, 15th 2006

As we are still auditing for a new singer and writing some new songs in the same time for testing the candidates’ songwriting ability, we request some patience from all other interested persons because of taking up time to cast everybody as long as we arrive at a decision! So everybody gets his chance!
We also updated the “Info”-page with a band-bio.

January, 3rd 2006

We hope you all arrived to the new year very well! The first month of 2006 starts up very well for VANILLA REX though! We are featuring the german/canadian online webzine THE METAL OBSERVER as FEATURED BAND OF THE MONTHTMO also published the review of PARALLEL WORLDS and an interview with KLAUS. Not enough for now VANILLA REX provided 3 copies of the actual album PARALLEL WORLDS for the THE METAL OBSERVER CONTEST. Click this link: